East Village Membership Plans
This is a pivotal time to be part of the Historic East Village. With a growing number of residents, businesses, and nonprofits, we are turning a corner to become a major regional and national destination for visitors, residents, and commerce. In fact, our future has never been brighter.
By becoming a member, you commit to our very special community. Resident and business members vote for executive board members as well as provide community funding. Membership dues contribute to marketing, signage, holiday décor, advocacy, and more!
Your Membership Makes a Difference
Your membership is vital to our neighborhood’s continued success. Your membership helps to:
- Drive more foot traffic to your business and the neighborhood.
- Promote the Historic East Village as Des Moines’ most vibrant and diverse district, boasting many of the finest shopping, dining, nightlife and commerce in Iowa.
- Beautify the neighborhood to create a fun and welcoming destination for you and your customers. Includes:
- Neighborhood signage
- Holiday lights and decorations (approximately $15,000 in annual costs)
- Encourage developers and the City of Des Moines to adopt progressive Walkability standards.
- Improve neighborhood safety, including advocating for stop signs and more visible crosswalks.
- Organize and promote the Annual Holiday Promenade.
Memberships have changed and are now based on 365 days from when you sign up!
Any questions? Contact president@eastvillagedesmoines.com
Your Membership Comes with Exclusive Benefits
Business Levels
- One (1) vote at the HEV Annual Meeting (held every June/July).
- One (1) featured listing on the new HEV website.
- Promotion to 14,000+ followers of HEV social media channels (including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) once per quarter.
- Ability to post four (4) calendar events per month on the HEV events calendar.
- Click “Submit an Event” from the bottom of the HEV website and follow the simple steps so your next event appears right on the site. Include an image, description, cost, time/date, and link to more details. This must be an event, not just a promotion. (Submissions are approved once a week.)
- There is an ability to pay for more listings. Please contact the board.
- Ability to promote your business in an HEV Instagram takeover once a year.
- Post from the HEV Instagram account to promote your business and reach HEV followers.
- Two (2) East Village logo window clings for your storefront.
- eNews updates about events and happenings from the Village Voice newsletter. Including:
- Free Admission to monthly HEV Socials.
- Invites to the quarterly HEV Forum, with exclusive educational and networking opportunities.
- Notifications about upcoming board meetings and decisions.
- Information about featured businesses.
Resident Level
As a Resident Member, your membership benefits include:
- One (1) vote at the HEV Annual Meeting (held every June/July).
- eNews updates about events and happenings from the Village Voice newsletter. Including:
- Free Admission to HEV Socials.
- Invites to the quarterly HEV Forum, with exclusive educational and networking opportunities.
- Notifications about upcoming board meetings and decisions.
- Information about featured businesses.
Friend of the East Village Level
As a Friend of the East Village, your membership benefits include:
- eNews updates about events and happenings from the Village Voice newsletter. Including:
- Free Admission to HEV Socials.
- Invites to the quarterly HEV Forum, with exclusive educational and networking opportunities.
- Notifications about upcoming board meetings and decisions.
- Information about featured businesses.